A prototype website for a fictional company offering cave climbing tours.
Module: Web- and Corporate Design
Team: 3 people
Role: Corporate Design & UI/UX Design
Timeline: October 2018 – January 2019

Problem statement
The company klifra (icelandic word for: to climb) aims to attract more tourists by presenting their cave climbing services and products on a website.
A website that lists the different services of the company, provides information about different tours, and offers climbing products in an online shop. The design of the website is inspired by the visual and emotional impressions that await the customer when cave climbing.

Business opportunities
This website would be an excellent opportunity for the cave climbing company to attract adventurous customers from all over the world by providing information about the different services and tours it offers.
In addition, the online shop will enable it to offer climbing equipment to a larger number of customers.
Information Architecture


About us



Key moments
Below are some of the key moments of the cave climbing website we designed and developed. Further research and testing would likely uncover more opportunities.
Distributed in three countries, the company offers guided tours for cave climbing.

Online Shop
People can find and buy all kinds of equipment needed for their own climbing adventures.

The local services include cave climbing tours as well as climbing halls for training.

Visual system



Bold & medium; used for headers, sub-headers, buttons, & body text
Design and prototypical implementation of a website illustrating the concept of a corporate website.

Future Roadmap
Future research
Once a website like this could be built in a MVP form using the real functionality, there are several things that should be tested. A few are included below:
What do people visit this website for?
Does the website increase the number of customers?
Does the online shop increase sales?
Future use cases
Right now, the concept is focused on providing a website for a company to present its cave climbing services and products to customers and tourists. But with continued research and iterations, here are some other features it could have:
Tour booking system
How might the company benefit from an online booking system for guided cave climbing tours?
Community page
How might this website help the community of adventurous climbers to get in touch with each other?
